Should You Be Bootstrapping Your Startup?

By PinkyDecember 22, 2021No Comments

Far more entrepreneurs appear to be reaching for the stars and going for the gold when it comes to raising funds for their startup enterprises via the guerilla-style bootstrapping path. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of these approaches? What should you do if you want to succeed as a bootstrapped business?

It is easy to romanticise the idea of bootstrapping a startup. It can also work if you are motivated and willing to work hard. It may yield even greater rewards to those who can pull it off. That isn't to say that there aren't drawbacks. Make sure you understand the trade-offs and which path will bring you where you want to go.

What Is Bootstrapping?

Bootstrapping is the process of starting a business from the ground up without relying on outside funding or money. It is a method of funding small enterprises that involves the owner purchasing and employing resources at his or her own expense, rather than pooling equity or borrowing large quantities of money from banks.

Heavy reliance on domestic sources of financing, such as credit cards, mortgages, and loans is known as bootstrapping. In other words, bootstrapping is characterised by a lack of financial resources. A competent development strategy, which accounts for all conceivable hazards, is required for an enterprise's effective expansion. Furthermore, funding must be allocated to the most critical aspects of the company strategy.

Essential Stages You Have To Consider Before Bootstrapping Your Startup

Founders are frequently advised by both the startup press and social media to jump into the company blindly as soon as they have a concept. That strategy can succeed, but it's a long and difficult process that has resulted in the failure of many promising businesses. Instead, there are a few things you can do to start laying the groundwork for long-term success.

Maintain Your Day Job

The majority of bootstrappers begin with a side project while working full-time. They only leave the security of a regular job if the side hustle is a reliable, long-term source of income. This is how companies like SpaceX, Apple, Product Hunt, Trello, WeWork, Craigslist, and Twitter got their start. Never underestimate how much you can learn and accomplish in a 9-to-5 work. Getting compensated to hone your skills in a healthy, productive firm can be a fantastic foundation for whatever you're constructing.

Start It As A Side Project

Employees at Google are allowed to spend up to 20% of their time on new ideas or creative initiatives. This 20% time policy is well-known in the tech community, but it's a principle that we can all apply to our professional lives. By dabbling on the side, we can establish entire enterprises, but most significantly, side projects encourage creativity. We are free to play, explore, and learn when there's no need to hit a sales target (or make any money at all). It is a terrific method to see if the project has sparked your interest and gauge interest from others.

Share What You Create

You need to share your ideas even before they are finished, and even before they are 'ready.' One of the methods that will help you to land your first 1,000 users is to show folks what you have been working on. Bring them into your experiments, no matter how basic or unpolished they are. There are so many varied and low-cost options to share these days. Choose your preferred platform, the one that feels most natural to you and where you already spend time. A YouTube channel, an Instagram account, a podcast, or even a blog might be used.

  • Before you launch a startup or try to market what you have created, build an engaged audience (even if it's small)
  • Refine your thoughts. The quickest appraoch to identify unseen gaps is to explain a notion to someone else. Make the most of your pre-launch period by learning more and filling in your personal knowledge gaps.
  • Create a strong track record. Business is more than just a transaction of money, it is based on trust. People get to know you better when you show them your work and take them along for the voyage. They see that you have regularly turned up, supplied useful information and completed what you started.

Continue To Learn And Stay Hungry.

It is the ideal time to study while we collect our paychecks and experiment with new ideas. Never before have we had so many professional voices and materials available to us. We can read blogs, watch videos, join meetups, listen to interviews, and read books while taking online classes. Find mentors (both real and virtual) and sponge up all the information you can. Then put what you have learned into practice and continue to experiment.

Problems, Not Emotion, Should Always Be Pursued

The finest businesses, contrary to popular belief aren't motivated by enthusiasm, they are motivated by solving issues. Ask yourself some of these questions.

  • What problems have you experienced in the world?
  • What problems do you have with products, services, and even yourself?
  • Problems need smart solutions. Passion is just the icing on the cake.

Maintain A Deep Relationship With Your Product

Putting what you have created to good use can be a game-changer. And it appears to be straightforward, after all, who wouldn't want to use the thing they created? However, because a firm has so many moving elements, founders can easily lose sight of their original objective.

It is critical to stay close to the heart of your offering once a product or service has shipped. Use it, eat it, order it, and learn everything there is to know about it. Engagement puts you in the shoes of the consumer, allowing you to experience any issues firsthand. It also keeps the entire crew (however small) on their toes.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Bootstrapping

Bootstrapping your startup may not be the best option for you. When weighing the benefits and drawbacks of various methods of funding, consider the advantages and disadvantages of bootstrapping to see if this self-funded path can help you achieve your objectives.

Advantages Disadvantages
Non-dilutive financing solutions. Until you decide differently, you and your co-founders will be the only proprietors of your firmYou are investing your own money in the business. When your firm suffers a seatback, it will have a direct influence on you
Have more control over the route your firm takes since you don't have to keep investors satisfied allowing you to concentrate more on perfecting operations rather than worrying about mistakes. Without cash, coaching, or introductions from someone who knows the startup ecosystem well, you will have to build your customer base and find partners on your own
You are forced to establish a business model that works and can generate a positive cash flow right away. Unable to attain exponential growth. Will most likely concentrate on creating a minimum viable product or simply keeping their business afloat.

As a solo entrepreneur, bootstrapping means keeping 100% ownership of your company. Even if you have a few co-founders, your part of the equity will be far larger than if you go through numerous rounds of funding and keep diluting your ownership. When you accept outside funding, you accept external pressure and duty to meet the needs of others. Those could be totally different from what you have in mind. Their priorities and timelines may differ from yours.

When it comes to raising funds, there are options such as super-voting rights that might give you more authority. Bootstrapping, on the other hand, is probably the way to go if artistic direction and control over decisions are high priorities for you. It is no secret that many of today's fast-growing, high-value firms, and even initial public offerings (IPOs), have been losing money.

Despite having less debt to worry about, self-funded enterprises are more likely to experience cash flow stagnation or run out of money entirely. It can be difficult to get the contacts you need to create your brand, prototypes, and more without the support of experienced investors. Bootstrapping your startup may prevent you from being able to spend thousands of dollars on Google, social media, and other marketing channels to build interest.

At the same time, if you are bootstrapping, you don't want to attract too much attention. You might not be able to keep up with high demand if you have a limited budget. The safest choice may be to keep the company's growth gradual.

Tips For A Successful Bootstrapping

It is impossible to deny that the bootstrapping process can be difficult. Because capital is sometimes a game-changer, working on a limited budget necessitates extra effort. Fortunately, you would not be the first person to bootstrap a company. There are plenty of proven strategies you may use to get the most out of your personal savings. Here are a few examples.

Recognize Cost-Cutting Opportunities

Many businesses select the lean startup method when bootstrapping. They concentrate on developing a minimum viable product using this strategy. This helps you generate income while also providing you with vital information about your customers and how to enhance your product.

Connect The Dots

When you are bootstrapping, your support network can make a big difference. Great relationships can be your strongest resources when you don't have significant investors backing you up. Begin networking to identify possible clients, collaborators, mentors, and others who can assist you in spreading the word about your company.

Don't Go Overboard

It is tempting to throw everything you've got into a project you are enthusiastic about. However, you must exercise caution. Building a business is risky enough, and bootstrapping can make it even worse. You should always have a backup plan and be willing to walk away if required during the bootstrapping process.

Having a backup plan doesn't imply you have to stay in your full-time work until your company is stable. You have the ability to dedicate yourself to achieving your goals. However, you will need to set aside some personal funds that aren't touched by your business and be aware of when you need to back out.

How To Decide If You Should Bootstrap Or Fundraise?

If you are the founder of a teach business, it won't be long before you are under pressure to raise money. You may believe that financing is the greatest approach to achieving your business goals. It may also appear to be the quickest approach to achieve your larger goals or accelerate your progress.

Those things are sometimes true but not always. Pursuing finance can come with its own set of issues, such as a loss of control, shrinking founder equity, and a draining of time and energy that could be better spent elsewhere. So here are some questions to help you decide which path you should take.

What Is Your Motivation For Seeking Funding?

Many company founders throughout the world, automatically go down the funding route because they assume it's the inevitable next step, without ever questioning why.

"Why do we need funding?" This should be your first inquiry since if you don't have a solid response, you are probably just jumping on a bandwagon that is not suited for you. In fact, bootstrapping might be preferable if you are looking for cash because that is what tech startups do. You need money since it will make your life easier and more pleasant, such as allowing you to upgrade your office space. For founders, the latter is a particularly attractive trap.

Bootstrapping forces you to ruthlessly prioritize a pool your spending and cut away unnecessary expenses, but having a pool of venture money forces you to have much more discipline when it comes to spending money.

Emerson Spaetz, Founder Of Viral Media Company, Dose

Funding, on the other hand, is more suitable for you if you have a limited window of market opportunity, and money will enable you to move quickly and completely capitalize on it. You are searching for the specialised knowledge and expertise that venture capital can provide, and you have done your homework on whose investment you want. The argument is that if you can achieve your objectives without outside finance, although at a slower pace and with less comfort, bootstrapping may be a better choice, for the time being.

What Are Your Long-Term Objectives And Plans?

Examining if your long-term goals and vision coincide with those of your investor is an important element of selecting whether to pursue finances. The prospect of money can be alluring, but if you and your investors aren't on the same page, you could be in for some major heartbreak down the road. You may, for example, feel pressured to make decisions and fulfil targets that are unrealistic or inconsistent with your business's initial mission. You might feel compelled to prioritise fast financial growth over your own business ambitions if you are aligned with investors who are all focused on it.

What if you are not even seeking a way out? If you are starting a business with the intention of keeping it long-term, you are probably better off bootstrapping. Venture Capital investors are more likely to expect you to have a big vision rather than a personal one.


You can spend time instilling positive practices and then raise funds once they have become ingrained in your company's culture. you can also confirm that you have found a product-market fit before investing money in gaining market dominance by waiting. However, there are practical reasons to raise before that point, such as a need for cash in the bank. If you don't have access to finance, either from savings or other sources, it is difficult to start a firm. You never know how long it will take to achieve product-market fit and reach profitability, so you will need a cash reserve to cover expenses along the way. If you want to be a market leader, on the other hand, you might want to raise sooner than later to avoid a competitor surpassing you with their own stack of chips. This factor is unique to your perception of the competitive landscape's danger level, new entrants, existing startup competitors, and incumbents.

On A Final Note

Bootstrapping is a great way to support a business because it retains ownership in the family and keeps debt to a minimum. While self-financing involves financial risk because you are using your own finances, you can make wise efforts to minimise the disadvantages and focus only on the rewards.

For many startup entrepreneurs, bootstrapping remains a viable choice. It has numerous advantages. However, be aware of the heightened risks as well as what you will need in place ahead of time if you change your mind and decide to bring in outside funds.


What Is Bootstrapping?

Advantage And Disadvantages Of Bootstrapping

How To Decide If You Should Bootstrap Or Fundraising?


Tips For A Successful Bootstrapping

Essential Stages You Have To Consider Before Bootstrapping Your Startup

More Knowledge For You

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